It’s the 21st century and with all the progress we’ve made with technology over the years, there isn’t a single part of our lives not entwined with our internet-connected devices. More to the point, social media has had a huge effect on our dating lives and how we approach relationships. For some of us that can be a bit overwhelming so here to help you is some advice on how to manage dating and social media with ease!

1 – Curating your Profile
While it would be nice to think that your date will wait until meeting you to judge, chances are before the first date they have already hit up your online profiles for details. There is no need to make it perfect, you should present an accurate picture of yourself, however, if there is something you would rather broach in person (ex-partners, personal problems, etc.) it may be a good idea to make some changes to your privacy settings.
2 – Communication
One of the biggest issues our dating coaches mediate is how the couple represents each other online and the best way to resolve this issue is to discuss it – often. How long do you intend to wait before changing your relationship status and what do you expect from your partner? Do you plan on posting photos together as a couple and when? This is important and you should make decisions together to avoid anyone feeling slighted.
3 – Jealousy
Probably the 2nd biggest issue with social media and dating is jealousy. It can be hard not to feel concerned by your partner following people who are attractive or ex-partners (especially when it’s both). Again the only thing that resolves this is even more talking. The more secure you are in your relationship and communication skills the less worry you’ll have about people who exist only in your online life.
4 – Complacency
Social media is not a replacement for in-person intimacy, though it is a valuable tool to communicate when meeting in person is not an option. Make sure you plan together time often, we suggest bi-weekly dates where you keep your cellphones off. Make sure you are growing your in-person intimacy and not letting the lure of the online world hold you back.