In these socially distanced times, it can be hard to balance safety and dating. A good compromise (especially for a first date) is using a video chat service like Skype. Technology is a great way to stay and get connected however, it is a totally different type of dating than you might be used to. Because of this, we’ve written up some tips for you to get the most out of your Skype date!

1 – Be on Time
You have a lot fewer excuses for being late when you can’t mention the traffic. Make an effort to be prepared and be on time, just because you are meeting virtually doesn’t mean it isn’t important to make a good impression. Being on time shows you value your date’s time.
2 – Dress to Impress
Just because you aren’t meeting in person, doesn’t mean you can slack off on your style. Dress up like you would for any other date – this will help make a good impression and boost your confidence. Also, pay attention to your camera angles, don’t give any accidental shots up the nose or down the chest.
3 – Location
Make sure you are in a location where you have privacy and a low level of ambient sound, and a strong wifi connection. You don’t want any interruptions. As well, you should consider using the internet for video but your cellphone for sound, so if your video lags you can still hear each other.
4 – Manage your Expectations
Dating virtually is very different from dating in person, don’t feel discouraged if you don’t get the same ‘spark’ you might have at an in-person date. After a few more virtual dates you may start to get more attached and at that point decide if you feel safe meeting in person.
5 – Spice it Up
You don’t have to just spend the whole time talking face to face. You can watch a movie together, play games online, or even take your phone on a walk using face time. You actually have a lot of options when dating virtually so don’t let it get boring.